Supported Agencies
The following Mission Boards and agencies are supported monthly by First Baptist Church.
Mission Boards
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, Harrisburg, PA (ABWE)
Baptist Mid-Missions, Cleveland, OH (BMM)
Ethnos360, (Formerly New Tribes Mission) Sanford, FL (E360)
Social Agencies
Bringing Children Hope (formerly Baptist Children's Home), Valparaiso, IN
Faith Baptist Community Church & Center, Cleveland, OH
First Baptist Christian School, Elyria, OH
Church Fellowships
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, Elgin, IL (GARBC)
Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches, Seville, OH (OARBC)
Other Ministries
Editorial Bautista Independiente (Spanish Publications), Sebring, FL (EBI)
Our Daily Bread Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI